After all of that stressing, I got pretty excited when I found out what you probably already know. Did you say, "huh?" when you read that Friday is the last day of the month? Well, you should have. I was checking out the calendar during that week guess what I learned. Thursday was the last day of the month! Not Friday. I totally knew that Stud was coming home Friday, July 1st, but for almost the whole month I kept thinking that Friday was still part of June and therefore, part of my mission month. I think this happened because I associated my husband being gone with Operation Gym Coup since the mission took place the (almost) entire length of time between my visiting him in San Diego and his coming home. Makes sense, right? Either way, I will have completed the mission on Thursday and wouldn't have to worry about squeezing in a gym visit on Friday after all! Halelujah! That was a good surprise.
Officially, I have to say that I really shouldn't get so excited about not having to go to the gym just because the month is over and, technically, my mission only lasted one month. I mean, that makes it look like I didn't learn anything, doesn't it?
Officially, I should want to go to the gym on Friday anyway...and most days after that as well.
I got so excited about not being required to go to the gym on Friday that it really reminded me that my attitude about working out isn't where I want it to be. Granted, most of the reason that I didn't want to go on Friday is because, frankly, I didn't care about anything that happened on that day except seeing my husband. However, there was still a big part of me that wanted the mission to be over so I didn't have to go to the gym and that's the part of me that I'm trying to transform. Like any lifestyle change, one of the hardest parts is establishing new habits. I figured that if I made myself go to the gym enough to make it a habit, after that I would actually want to go to the gym. Either I was too preoccupied during the month of June for this to take a effect, or it just took a little longer than expected.
At this point, I know I am a month late in writing this review, I feel like I am much closer to that ideal "workout attitude" than I was at the end of my mission. So I guess it's a good thing it took me so long to write this because back at the end of June, I would have still been just hoping for it. Yeah, that's why I didn't update you right away. Ha.
So if you've been following along on this mission, you're probably wondering if I succeeded. Did I get my name on the list of Top Ten Biggest Users?
Take a look:
Are you hearing that pathetic game show music when the contestant loses? Yeah. I was hearing that too when I saw it. What made it MUCH worse was that it was my bright idea to run by Anytime and check with Stud on his last day home. I was already either crying or thinking about crying most of the day since Stud would be leaving that day and then I had to go and check the stupid list. Man, I was disappointed. And frustrated. And angry. I had missed the list by two gym visits. Stud tried to give me a pep talk on the short ride home, but I knew I could have done it...I just didn't. My husband is super good at helping me keep a healthy attitude about fitness. He's challenging but understanding. He told that I had had a lot going on and that I couldn't get down about it because that would probably keep me from going to the gym the next month. Luckily (sort of), saying good-bye to him later that afternoon put the whole mission-failure woes right out of my mind.
When I came back to focus on it, I decided that it was already too late into the month of July to try to start over the very next month and log enough gym visits. Stud was here from the 1st through the 10th and though we did workout together twice, it was not the focus. On top of that, I was in San Diego the weekend after that (to read about that awesome last weekend check out this post). So I decided that I wasn't going to push the issue during the month of July. I did, however, get right back on the horse and have been to the gym several times in the last couple of weeks and it has felt great.
It is still my goal to make it on the list one of these months. It just may be August too so stay tuned!
Oh, and by the way, when you saw "Andrew B." on the list did you have to look twice? That's the second miserable time that that name has crushed my spirits. Waaaaay back in 4th grade we were getting ready to end the school year and my teacher was giving away prizes of things that we had used during the year but weren't needed for the next year. When each item was to be given away he would draw a name and then write it on the board with all of us watching. I don't remember what the item was but I clearly remember my teacher writing "A-N-D-R-E.....W." UGH. Stupid Andrew. What a letdown. That last letter was suppposed to be an "A"! You know, you see five out of the six letters of your name it and it never occurs to you that the 6th letter won't be what you're expecting. At least, those are my feelings. Sorry to anyone of you named Andrew reading this. It's not that I don't like you, it's just that your name has caused a decent amount of disappointment in my life. But perhaps so has mine for you so I guess we're even.
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